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지금까지 배운걸 모두 활용해서 완전하게 트리를 그려내는거죠.
다만 트리가 매우 크고 아름다워지네요...ㅋ
2. In accordance with X-bar theory, draw complete trees (i.e. include all the Specifiers and all the I-nodes with the relevant features) of the following phrases/sentences. Treat be in (x) as a main verb.
(i) I will go.
(ii) She rode her bicycle slowly.
(iii) Seamus can speak Chinese.
(iv) Elaine should not enrol.
(v) [That we will succeed] will surprise nobody.
(vi) I prefer you to stay in London.
(vii) She phoned because she likes you.
(viii) I thought that she was a student of law.
(ix) We will have a picnic, when Frank arrives.
(x) He is grumpy, but he is kind.
(xi) We will not budge.
(xii) She wrote the story very quickly.
... 헐 저기 V'1이 VP로 프로젝션되는걸 빼먹었네요... 다시그리기 귀찮으니 패스..
여기도 V'1에서 VP로 프로젝션하는걸 까먹어버림.. 수정하기 귀찮으므로 패스
[영어구조론] 11. Constituency: Movement and Substitution - 1 (0) | 2013.12.16 |
[영어구조론] 10. Syntactic Argumentation (2) | 2013.12.13 |
[영어구조론] 9. Movement (5) | 2013.11.26 |
[영어구조론] 8. More on Clauses 7. Exercise (1) | 2013.11.13 |
[영어구조론] 7. Cross-Categorial Generalisations: X-Bar Syntax (2) | 2013.11.06 |
[영어구조론] 6. Predicates, Arguments and Thematic Roles 뒷부분과 Exercise (3) | 2013.11.01 |
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